Monday, January 14, 2013

First Interview

Conducted my first interview today. I arrived a little earlier than scheduled but the interviewee was ok with it. It lasted about 1 hour and a half - it was pretty exhausting, and all I did was listen and ask some questions. I think 2 hours is pushing it. I offered a break mid-way, but he declined so we just went on. Next time I'll offer the break at 45 minutes. It will give me some time to go over the notes and think of avenues to pursue. I hardly had time to think about and reflect on what he was saying. I suspect I'll have more questions once I start transcribing. I forgot to bring a name card. I'll make it a practice to ask for referrals. I may have a good lead with an Indonesian research institute.


I realise when I am scribbling notes, it shouldn't be what is already being said (as I'm already recording it). It should probably be:
1. Some general topics brought up
2. Follow-up questions depending on what is being said

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